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What five things make a pizza mouthwatering? When one part of the pizza lacks, you'll definitely know. Here is how you can understand what step of your 'RELATIONSHIP PIZZA' may need some love and attention: There are 5 key things that make a fantastic piping hot relationship or pizza that is delicious, moreish and unbutton your pants satisfying!!! 1) The Base = Relational; 2) The Sauce = Sexual Tension/Erotic Friction; 3) Toppings = Your Unique Self; 4) Cheese = With Your Body and Connective Touch; 5) Anchovies are optional = Going Deeper/Growth. In this program, I will explain each component in detail. If any one of these components is not up to par, you will undoubtedly know, and it changes the entire experience from something that could be exactly what you want or something that is... it's OK, it'll do, but it's not great! We all come from a different set of circumstances as individual people, and then we try to navigate intimate relationships based on what we think relationships should look like. Well, it's time to order or create the perfect relationship pizza that is authentic and fulfilling for everyone involved, including the people who surround you - your family, friends and colleagues. I will share with you the recipe; however, the quality of your outcome is 100% reliant on the quality of the ingredients. How hot you make your relationship also depends on the ability to seamlessly change the flavours so that each person understands who's ordering what so we know how to 'satisfy'.




WalaTruscott That Sassy Sex Educator Somatic Sexological Bodyworker
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