الجمعة، 26 يناير
|The Studio - Old Norton Summit Road
For women stuck in their head!

الوقت والموقع
26 يناير 2024، 6:45 م – 9:30 م غرينتش+10:30
The Studio - Old Norton Summit Road, Magill SA 5072, Australia (Refer to auto-reply for further details)
نبذة عن الحدث
Thinking Body V's Plesaure Body - Learn how to get out of your head!
I will guide you with embodiment practices designed for a woman's body so that you can turn that to-do-list off!
The Wild Woman is a part of each of us. She is not the crazed and uncivilized creature she is sometimes made out to be, but the part of us that is deeply and inextricably connected to natural life. She is connected to all things in nature, including her own body, whom she cares for and utilizes as an instrument of perception. She represents the part of each woman that comes from nature and is part of nature.
The Wild Woman is an archetype, and as such, can rise from the unconscious and come into play when the time is right. She is a portal to natural empowerment, through which we understand that we don’t have to “become someone else” to be loved, that who we are is utterly perfect, and that each of us is born with a natural genius that can be revealed and will bloom with the help of our body’s native intelligence.
Each of us has that native, embodied wisdom—a wild, untamed, undomesticated body-mind and heart that knows what is true for us. This looks and feels different for each woman, and no two are ever alike.
The Wild Woman is not a fixed idea or a template into which we need to fit ourselves, but rather a portal, an entry point into our vast and rich inner landscape.
Building a community of loving, supportive women who are men and sex positive.
There is no nudity required at any of my events.
1 x Awesome Woman
16+ to 116 years warmly welcomed
٣٥٫٠٠ AU$+٠٫٨٨ AU$ رسوم خدمةانتهى البيع
٠٫٠٠ AU$